Sunday, December 4, 2011


Please do me a favor, check out my new YouTube channel.  If you like Minecraft, music and (eventually) weird comedy bits, please check it out.  I am trying to get a subscriber base going to make me more focused and motivated, and even if a small amount of you subscribed that would be awesome.  Here is my channel, thanks so much!  On to the music:

I first heard Turisas on a Metal Hammer sampler album from 2007.  This song is a sort of Russian / Folk Melodic Metal, I really liked it and it led me to find Folk and Viking Metal that I hadn't really checked out at the time.  I think one of the bands that nudged me into the "genre".  I did listen to some "Pirate Metal", but thats for next time!

Love me some galloping guitars.

Turisas - Rasputin

Turisas - Battle Metal

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Anonymous said...

Sounds great!
Nice blog.

fabio_2007 said...

Great songs.