Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Septic Flesh

Yet another band from Greece!  Slight coincidence, but Rotting Christ reminds me of Septic Flesh, so I thought I should share it!  "Hailing from Athens, Attica, Greece, Septic Flesh was founded in 1990. Their sound was a Hellenic brand of Death Metal mixed with Doom Metal and Gothic Metal elements."  They also share the Season of Mist label with Rotting Christ, and Kylesa (with many others, a great label).

Atmospheric, symphonic and rifftastic with clean vocals that mix amazingly with the Death growls... with a lyrical focus on fantasy, mythology, occultism and H.P. Lovecraft it makes for a pretty epic time.  It almost sounds like a horror film soundtrack that was fused with a metal-heads CD collection.


Lovecraft's Death:

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Kicking Rocks said...

the music from the first video freak me out for some strange reason. reminds me of temple of doom chants.....kalima!!!!

Charles said...

om namah shivaya!

Frosty said...

I do like the lovecraft's death part

SKS FKF said...

I liked Sangreal a lot. I'm sure I would've enjoyed the references in the Lovecraft song, but I couldn't understand the singer.