Symphonic Black Metal from Russia. Rossomahaar is sprawling, dark and epic, reminds me of playing Doom when I was younger (oh who am I kidding, I still play it). They formed in 1995, when "Lazar (guitars) and Vlad (drums, vocals) started off working on few compositions which could be reckoned to the genre of Black Metal stylistically. Both musicians simultaneously played in Moscow’s dark metal act Stonehenge, which was considered top-priority then, and therefore Rossomahaar’s rehearsals took place quite rarely, to say the least."
They have a large amount of genres mixed together, from Thrash, Black Metal, Death Metal and even... Jazz?
thats crazy stuff dude.
devils music :p
i played doom yesterday lol! nice
An overwhelming dose of awesome can be found in my 4th electro set! Check it
Electric Addict Set #4
amazing art
Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn.
Not much into the music, but I like the artwork. =]
I'm scared!
this is something new for me! black russian metal? never heard of it until now. really heavy and pull sync. loved it!
Oh cool, hadn't head of this one before.
pretty cool!
the music sounds like nothing I've ever heard of
Great art!
I'm hiding under my desk at work
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