Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dying Fetus - Shepard's Commandment (Music Video)

What am I doing back again? I can't stay away! Another post today. Just one video this post, but wait, an actual music video! I am going to start posting videos like this once in awhile, hope you like that idea.

Dying Fetus "is an American Death Metal band from Upper Marlboro, Maryland. Formed in 1991, the group is known for their outspoken political views, and for being one of the few death metal bands who follow a political nature." They are heavy, brutal and in your face... and I kinda like it. The video is pretty damn awesome at least:

Shepard's Commandment:

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Frosty said...

Well I definitely enjoy trance, been a while since there was anything new that I liked though

Unknown said...

thats quite.. different

Charles said...

yeah, trance is great but its a genre that sorta defies time and the norm...

a lot of it does not really have tracks like other music genres, which is why metal is easier for me to post.

its hard to find CDs of trance artists a lot of the time. I will keep going, Psytrance is easier to find for sure, and Darkpsy... I hope you guys like those genres XD

The Game Store Guy said...

One hell of a name. That aside, I like some of the rifts in it.

Ross said...

intense band name lol

ryanthedirtpoorblogger said...

awesome band name, great song